March 23rd 2022

New project: Addressing Mental Health in South Sudan


HealthNet TPO is expanding our mental health and psychosocial support programme in this new project, to reach the most vulnerable communities in Bor and Malakar Provinces in South Sudan.

To address the trauma caused by conflict, poverty and violence, and improve the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of those affected, HealthNet TPO is expanding our mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services to reach more vulnerable communities in Bor and Malakar in South Sudan.

The new project will focus on integrating MHPSS services into the health sector and into services for women’s protection and SGBV. This includes strengthening health facilities across the region to identify and treat mental health illness and training doctors, nurses, midwives and clinical staff to identify and refer or provide clinical care for severe forms of mental disease. Women and girl-friendly spaces will be established within hospitals.

Psychosocial focal persons will work at a community-level to identify mental health concerns and provide psychosocial first aid and counselling to individuals in need, with a focus on women and girls. They will raise awareness to good mental health, MHPSS services, legal protection and sexual and gender-based violence services.

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