
Who we are

We envision a world in which people living in fragile and conflict settings actively rebuild their lives, health and wellbeing.

Our story

It is our mission to support communities affected by conflict or disaster to regain control of their own health and wellbeing. We are convinced that even the most vulnerable people have the inner strength to (re) build a better future for themselves and those around them.

But how did it all start? 'HealthNet International' (HNI) was established in 1992 by members of Doctors without Borders who wanted to bridge the gap between the emergency aid and long-term structural development. In 2005, HNI merged with the Transcultural Psychosocial Organisation (TPO). HNI had knowledge and experience in strengthening healthcare systems and prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. TPO brought its expertise in the field of psychosocial and mental healthcare for survivors of war and natural disasters. From this moment, the organisation became 'HealthNet TPO'. 

The practical experience of HNI combined with academic background of TPO led to the development and implementation of innovative care systems in conflict affected areas. HealthNet TPO maintains a relationship with our partner organisations TPO Uganda and TPO Nepal.

Building upon our strengths, HealthNet TPO has adopted a new strategy for 2024-2028, which focuses on the continued integration of mental health and psychosocial support throughout our projects, improving access to health services particularly for vulnerable groups and supporting the growing global need for humanitarian assistance. Over the coming five years, we will build strong partnerships, support localisation and maintain a strong, resilient organisation. 

Read our Strategic Plan 2024-2028: A Revived Ambition.

Meet our team

Thirty Years of HealthNet TPO

In 2022, HealthNet TPO celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. For more than three decades, HealthNet TPO has supported millions of people living in conflict-affected and fragile settings across 45 countries to build a healthier future for themselves and those around them.

Look back at some of our key moments during thirty years of HealthNet TPO.

Timeline: thirty years of HealthNet TPO


HealthNet TPO is committed to building a better world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, and free from harassment and bias. We have a zero tolerance approach when it comes to abuse, whether it be fraud or misconduct in any form. We are guided by the ethical principles in our organisational policies and procedures. 

We know that policies have to be more than words on paper. We make the necessary efforts to ensure that everyone who is supported by and works with HealthNet TPO is aware of their rights and our policies. We continuously focus on making our staff and partners aware of the values we stand for and how we expect them to act.

Our dedicated, independent Ethics Committee evaluate processes and report to our Board. An external Confidential Contact Person is available in order to avoid conflicts of interest and offer a safe environment.


Responsible behaviour 

We are committed to ensuring that HealthNet TPO is a safe and welcoming place to work. When it comes to the behaviour of our employees and all those who represent our organisation, we hold ourselves to the highest possible standards of integrity.

In addition, we recognise that the protection and safety of people in the fragile areas in which we work are of the utmost importance. Therefore, all our staff commit to the Code of Conduct.

Inappropriate or irresponsible behaviour is behaviour that has a (potentially) negative impact on the health or wellbeing of those involved, including on the safety and wellbeing of all people we work with and our staff.

Despite all our efforts to prevent inappropriate behaviour, it can still occur. When confronted with any form of inappropriate behaviour, either directly or witnessed, we encourage you to report this confidentially by emailing

For more information on our code of conduct, ethics, complaints and our dedication to the prevention of abuse and inappropriate behaviour, read our policies below. 

Annual Report

For more than thirty years, HealthNet TPO has contributed to improving the lives of the people we work with. Every year, we are proud to share with you our achievements, with our partners, around the world.

This year’s annual report contains the most important facts and figures behind our work and provides an insight into the lives of the people we work with through photos and stories of change. With these, we showcase our projects in healthcare, mental health and, emergency assistance, which makes the pillars of our work.

Read how HealthNet TPO in 2023 navigated through crises such as the earthquake in Afghanistan or how we respond to and prevent sexual and gender based violence in Colombia and South Sudan, and meet the people that keep the organisation alive.

Curious to find out more?

Read our Annual Report 2023