October 1st 2021

NRC: Voorlopig ligt de hulp aan Afghanistan stil – en dat raakt de Afghaanse burger


Bevroren hulpgeld Westerse regeringen willen het Taliban-regime niet erkennen zolang dat de mensenrechten niet respecteert. Dat maakt hulpgeld sturen moeilijk en vergroot de nood voor Afghaanse burgers.

"One more month, thinks Freba Azizi, hospital director in Kabul, before she has to stop caring for patients. Since the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban, the hospital has been without income. "We have reduced the expenditure on food, we no longer buy medicines and disinfectants at all, there is hardly any fuel for the ambulances left," says Azizi by telephone. “And all while we are waiting for a fourth corona wave.”" 

HealthNet TPO was featured in NRC news on the 30th September. Read the full article here.

Donate now to directly support HealthNet TPO's hospitals and health centres across Afghanistan during this health crisis.

Your gift will buy life-saving medicines for patients, oxygen to treat people with COVID-19 and fuel to run hospital generators and keep our ambulances on the road. Thank you.